The Huddle

(Westchester Co. Historical Soc.)



The bar named “The Huddle” was a

Tarrytown institution in its time. At the

time that Red O’Brien opened it (in the

mid-1960s), it could very well have served

as the model for the future Sports Bar

trend. N.Y. Jets photos and related football

items were displayed on its walls, hence its

name–Huddle. You might have even seen a

member of the N.Y. Jets sitting at the bar,

as at that time, this pro-football team

trained not too far away–in Peekskill.


On weekends–or on a Wednesday Ladies’

Night–groups from Marymount College

were often present. It reportedly closed

in the 1980s, its last owner remaining in the

tavern business but moving his operations

to N.T. No. 22 Main St. is presently occupied

by a Cuban restaurant; in between such

community service, it served simply as a



In 2011, according to the local news

publication Patch, a then-new Sleepy

Hollow sports bar had been given the

name of a “friendly neighborhood

gathering place that had existed in

Tarrytown many years ago.” Alas, this

“Huddle 2.0” has, by now, closed, as

well--reportedly--permanently. Finally,

this remembrance (once shared via the

internet) illustrates well the mystique of

the Huddle’s original incarnation: “I was

not allowed to . . . but my brother and I

would go.”

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